Carter Lake Families,
I was incredibly touched by the gift that the staff and students of Carter Lake presented me with at the SOAR Assembly to commemorate Principal Appreciation Month. The book “Ready to Soar” is just perfect for this school year. We have grown together so much as a school community, and I am so very lucky and proud to be your principal.
In the books, students drew and wrote about the many ways they SOAR every day here at Carter Lake, how they are safe, on task, respectful and responsible, and have an awesome attitude. Your children care about our school, and about each other and our staff – and it shows.
Student engagement and achievement are directly related to attendance, and every absence, even excused, makes it more difficult to be successful. Being absent two days a month in kindergarten has been shown to impact a student’s achievement in fifth grade – and their ability to graduate.
We understand that some absences are unavoidable, and students should not come to school when they are sick. Reducing other non-essential absences is important to lessen the impact when your child must be out. Students who miss 18 or more days of school in a year are more likely to see adverse effects of the time missed, so if you need resources to improve your child’s attendance, talk to their teacher, or the Main Office.
We thank you for your support of your student(s) at Fall Conferences. These meetings are a crucial way for us to foster strong partnerships with our families – and ensure your student is SOARing every day!
Here are some highlights from the attendance handbook to have you thinking ahead and planning.
- Tardy bell is at 8:10am. Students should arrive between 7:55 and no later than 8:10am. This is breakfast time and school begins at 8:10am. Our top goal this year is to reduce the number of students arriving after the tardy bell at 8:10am. Students arriving more than 30 minutes late will constitute a half-day absence.
- Please write a note to the teacher for end-of-day changes or call the office early in the day. Dismissal is at 2:40pm and is a busy time for teachers and students. If you have an appointment or need to pick up students early, please stop in the office prior to 2:20pm, otherwise wait for students outside as classes are busy getting ready for dismissal. If a student is picked up prior to 30 minutes early, this also constitutes a half-day absence.
- Plan vacation around summer, winter and spring break
- Planned absence form – If you have an emergency or plan for your student to be absent, we have a process for this. Our office and counselor can help you complete a planned absence form.
- Tardy, excused/unexcused conferences and attendance contracts – We are required to hold a conference with families that meet the criteria outlined by district policy at 5 excused absences within a month and 3 unexcused within a month. We will also hold a conference after 5 tardy days.
As always, we appreciate your support.
Marianne Rupprecht
Mark your Calendar!
NOVEMBER - Awesome Attitude
Nov. 27 – Early Release at 11:40 a.m.; no Late Start Wednesday; Students hand-carry Trimester 1 report card home
Nov. 28-29 – No School; Thanksgiving
DECEMBER – Respect & Responsibility
Dec. 4 – Late Start Wednesday
Dec. 5 – Hearing Screening
Dec. 11 – Late Start Wednesday
Dec. 12 – PTO meeting, 3 p.m.
Dec. 16-20 – PTO Winter Shop
Dec. 18 – Late Start Wednesday; Kinder Family Engagement Activity
Dec. 19 – Kindergarten-Gr 2 Winter Concert, 8:30 a.m.
Dec 20 – SOAR Awards Assemblies; Spirit Day – Pajama Day