
Information on the school's attendance requirements

Regular attendance is essential to the learning process whether a full day or half day. On half days students participate in reading and math to provide continuity for their learning. When a student is absent, valuable learning experiences are lost. Students will be given time equal to the number of days he/she is excused to make up missed class work and homework. Please contact the attendance clerk (583-5251) by 8:30 am to let us know if your child is going to be tardy or absent from school. When the student returns a note needs to accompany the student regarding the reason for the absence.

1. Absences

Upon return to school from an absence, students will need to bring a note from parent/guardian that includes the date and reason for the absence along with parent signature to be turned into the attendance office. Students may be excused for the following reasons:

Personal illness of the student

Medical/dental appointments for the student which cannot be made outside the regular school day

Scheduled court appearances

Recognized religious holidays

Planned absences that have been approved by the administration

Up to 10 days for leave prior to soldier's deployment

Family emergencies

Students will be unexcused for any reason not listed above.

After the first unexcused absence - a letter will be sent home.

If a student has two (2) unexcused absences in a 30 day period, it is mandatory that the student and parents meet with an administrator/counselor to review attendance policies and procedures.

If a student has 5 unexcused absences in a 30 day period or 10 unexcused absences in a school year, it is mandatory that the school file a petition through the Pierce County Juvenile Court System.

2. Tardy

Students are expected to arrive on time by our school system clocks (8:00 am or 11:52 for PM Kindergarten). Habitual tardiness creates a disruption to the educational process in the classroom. Students who arrived after the tardy bell are required to check in at the office when tardy to school.

Students who arrive after 9:30 am will be considered absent for the morning

Students who arrive after 1:00 pm will be considered absent for the afternoon.

Excused Tardy - only for medical or dental appointments; all others will be marked unexcused. Four (4) unexcused tardies will be considered one (1) unexcused absence.

See above for procedures regarding an unexcused absence.